GHD|EMPHNET and the United Kingdom Health Security Agenda (UKHSA) are collaborating to support the region’s countries in improving their multisector coordination (MSC) and subsequently their compliance with the International Health Regulations (2005). Their focus is to transfer MSC principles into practice to address relevant IHR implementation gaps identified in Joint External Evaluations and National Action Plans for Health Security.
Relying on implementation determinants for multisectoral coordination components derived from WHO’s and OIE’s relevant frameworks, GHD|EMPHNET and the UKHSA are working with two countries, Iraq and Pakistan where, alongside the MOHs, they conducted a situational analysis in each country to understand MSC needs, challenges, and barriers.
Based on the findings of both situational analyses, GHD|EMPHNET and UKHSA decided to explore with the two countries joint priority areas in alignment with the countries’ feedback. For this purpose, a face-to-face meeting was held with professionals from both countries from the MOHs and other relevant sectors who work directly in the field of multisectoral coordination and can lead and influence the MSC process.
The meeting was held in Amman, Jordan between February 15-17, 2022.There, GHD|EMPHNET and UKHSA presented the findings of the MSC situation analyses, highlighting priority areas for improvement. They also presented on the theoretical MSC components such as stakeholder mapping, communication for roles and responsibilities, trust building, planning, data sharing considerations, leadership, governance, and advocacy.
Iraq and Pakistan presented the state of MSC in their respective countries, providing examples from the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on group discussions they had at the meeting, each country was able to identify action points to be taken to address their priority areas and others which might require additional support from partners and other stakeholders. Some of these will be used to inform/create a support package, which once shared and approved by both countries, will be implemented jointly by GHD|EMPHNET and the UKHSA.