
'7/24/2024 1:15:59 PM'

Nationwide flood models poorly capture risks to households and properties, study finds

Government agencies, insurance companies and disaster planners rely on national flood risk models from the private sector that aren't reliable at smaller levels such as neighborhoods and individual properties, according to researchers.

'7/24/2024 1:13:54 PM'

COVID-19 pandemic slowed progress towards health-related Sustainable Development Goals and increased inequalities

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly widened existing economic and health disparities between wealthy and low-income countries and slowed progress toward health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to a new study.

'7/23/2024 9:20:35 AM'

Does the onset of daylight saving time lead to an unhealthy lifestyle?

Consumers' attitudes and health behaviors respond negatively to the switch to daylight saving time.

'7/23/2024 8:33:34 AM'

Risks and benefits of integrating AI into medical decision-making

Researchers found that an artificial intelligence (AI) model solved medical quiz questions -- designed to test health professionals' ability to diagnose patients based on clinical images and a brief text summary -- with high accuracy. However, phy...

'7/22/2024 11:50:21 AM'

Scientists identify possible new transmission factor in hospital-acquired Klebsiella infections

Scientists have identified a critical factor that may contribute to the spread of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), shedding light on why these infections are so difficult to combat. Their study reveals that the dangerous multidrug resistant (M...

'7/22/2024 9:41:15 AM'

Virtual reality training for physicians aims to heal disparities in Black maternal health care

A virtual reality training series being developed for medical students and physicians teaches them about implicit bias in their communications with their patients who are people of color and how that affects race-based health care disparities.

'7/21/2024 1:03:22 PM'

Cancer risk: Many welders exposed to high levels of dangerous fumes

New research has revealed at least 46,000 Australian welders are exposed to high levels of dangerous, potentially cancer-causing fumes at work -- and little is being done to protect them. Research reveals about 90 per cent of workforce exposed to ...

'7/19/2024 2:03:12 PM'

Impact of incarceration on youth health

Health records and health care use show youth whose parents have been incarcerated have more physical and mental health challenges. Identifying those youth is a problem because most health systems don't have an established system for asking famili...

'7/19/2024 8:38:22 AM'

These healthcare professionals may be secret weapon against hypertension, study says

When it comes to community hypertension interventions, a new study found that pharmacists and community health workers had the best success in lowering blood pressure. These findings support the idea that hypertension interventions are most succes...

'7/18/2024 10:50:07 AM'

Genetic study highlights importance of diversity in understanding health disparities

Researchers conduct large-scale studies with diverse groups to better understand the genetic factors that influence health and disease. The Million Veteran Program (MVP), for example, includes people from various backgrounds along with their detai...

'7/18/2024 8:49:26 AM'

Unhealthy sleep linked to diabetes in a diverse population

Persistently unhealthy sleep, either not enough or too much, is associated with a significantly increased risk of Type 2 diabetes in a racially and economically diverse adult population, an international team of researchers has reported.

'7/17/2024 4:40:53 PM'

Improving HIV treatment in children and adolescents -- the right way

Globally, around 2.6 million children and adolescents are currently living with HIV, the majority of them in Africa. These young people are much more likely to experience treatment failure than adults. Experts long assumed that testing for viral d...

'7/17/2024 8:11:07 AM'

Ultra-processed food makes up almost two-thirds of calorie intake of UK adolescents, study finds

Adolescents consume around two-thirds of their daily calories from ultra-processed foods (UPFs) new research has found. The study found that UPF consumption was highest among adolescents from deprived backgrounds, those of white ethnicity, and you...

'7/17/2024 8:10:37 AM'

Boost in infant genetics research could change lives, say researchers

Investment in research into genetics could dramatically improve educational policies and understanding of parenting in ways that could help all children, according to a new paper.

'7/17/2024 8:10:00 AM'

Cell donor's socioeconomic status shapes cancer treatment outcomes, new study finds

New research demonstrates that the socioeconomic status (SES) of cell donors affects the health outcomes of blood cancer patients who underwent hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT).

'7/16/2024 4:22:47 PM'

Could intensive farming raise risk of new pandemics?

Industrialized farming is often thought to reduce the risk of zoonotic diseases because of better control, biosecurity and separation of livestock. A new study examines the effect of social and economic factors -- which are often overlooked in tra...

'7/16/2024 11:12:52 AM'

Nature-based solutions to disaster risk from climate change are cost effective

A new global assessment of scientific literature finds that nature-based solutions (NbS) are an economically effective method to mitigate risks from a range of disasters -- from floods and hurricanes to heatwaves and landslides -- which are only e...

'7/15/2024 1:08:38 PM'

American diets got briefly healthier, more diverse during COVID-19 pandemic, study finds

American diets may have gotten healthier and more diverse in the months following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study.

'7/15/2024 9:57:01 AM'

How a gene for obesity affects the brain

Researchers reveal how a gene called SH2B1 works in the brain to regulate food intake.

'7/12/2024 8:41:11 AM'

Greater attention needs to be paid to malnutrition in the sick and elderly, researchers say

As many as half of all patients admitted to hospital and other healthcare facilities are malnourished. This has serious consequences for the individual in terms of unnecessary suffering, poorer quality of life and mortality. Providing nutrients ca...

'7/11/2024 5:55:22 PM'

Living near oil and gas activity linked to poor mental health during preconception

A new study suggests that people who are trying to conceive and live close to oil and gas development sites have a heightened risk of developing adverse mental health outcomes. The study found that people who lived within roughly six miles of acti...

'7/11/2024 7:14:05 AM'

Many youths continue to take opioids months after surgical procedures

A multi-institutional study found that 1 in 6 youths fill an opioid prescription prior to surgery, and 3% of patients were still filling opioid prescriptions three to six months after surgery, indicating persistent opioid use and possible opioid d...

'7/11/2024 7:13:58 AM'

New study finds 40-percent of cancer cases and almost half of all deaths in the US linked to modifiable risk factors

A new study finds four in 10 cancer cases and about one-half of all cancer deaths in adults 30 years old and older in the United States (or 713,340 cancer cases and 262,120 cancer deaths in 2019) could be attributed to modifiable risk factors, inc...

'7/10/2024 9:10:07 AM'

Rapid growth, persistent challenges in telemedicine adoption among US hospitals

A new study shows a significant increase in telemedicine services offered by U.S. hospitals from 2017 to 2022, while also highlighting persistent barriers to its full implementation.

'7/10/2024 9:09:02 AM'

Young people believe that artificial intelligence is a valuable tool for healthcare

Children and young people are generally positive about artificial intelligence (AI) and think it should be used in modern healthcare.

'7/10/2024 9:08:54 AM'

Trauma Medical Home: New coordinated care model for injured older adults

Older adults who suffer serious injuries from a fall or a motor vehicle accident often have impaired long-term functioning and diminished quality of life. A new study has found the new Trauma Medical Home care model has a positive impact on older ...

'7/10/2024 9:08:09 AM'

When there's money to lose, phone usage while driving drops

Researchers discovered that feedback plus cash incentives designed with insights from behavioral science reduces phone use while driving.

'7/8/2024 6:24:08 PM'

A gut microbe could hold a key to help people benefit from healthy foods

In a study involving 50,000+ individuals from around the world, higher gut levels of Blastocystis, a single-celled organism commonly found in the digestive system, were linked to more favorable indicators of health.

'7/8/2024 6:24:05 PM'

Raw milk is risky, but airborne transmission of H5N1 from cow's milk is inefficient in mammals

While H5N1 avian influenza virus taken from infected cow's milk makes mice and ferrets sick when dripped into their noses, airborne transmission of the virus between ferrets -- a common model for human transmission -- appears to be limited. These ...

'7/8/2024 6:23:07 PM'

Researchers find common immune system mechanism between pregnancy, cancer

Researchers found a molecular mechanism, shared in cancer and pregnancy, that suppresses the immune system. Block this mechanism, called B7-H4, and the immune system revs up to slow cancer's growth. Looking at mouse models and cell lines of breast...

'7/4/2024 4:15:39 PM'

Scientists map how deadly bacteria evolved to become epidemic

Pseudomonas aeruginosa -- an environmental bacteria that can cause devastating multidrug-resistant infections, particularly in people with underlying lung conditions -- evolved rapidly and then spread globally over the last 200 years, probably dri...

'7/2/2024 9:55:30 AM'

Watching others' biased behavior unconsciously creates prejudice

We unconsciously form prejudice toward groups when we see biased people interact with members of a group. That is according to new research by psychologists, who show for the first time that observational learning is an important mechanism of prej...

'7/2/2024 9:55:18 AM'

Crucial gaps in climate risk assessment methods

Researchers have uncovered significant flaws in current climate risk assessment techniques that could lead to a severe underestimation of climate-related financial losses for businesses and investors.

'7/1/2024 7:28:20 PM'

Tax on antibiotics could help tackle threat of drug-resistance

Taxing certain antibiotics could help efforts to tackle the escalating threat of antibiotic resistance in humans, according to a new study.

'6/28/2024 8:52:45 AM'

A few surgical procedures account for high number of opioid prescriptions

A handful of common surgical procedures account for large shares of all opioids dispensed after surgery in children and adults.

'6/27/2024 1:42:35 PM'

Analysis suggests 2021 Texas abortion ban resulted in increase in infant deaths in state in year after law went into effect

Researchers use statistical modeling to estimate infant deaths expected if one of the country's most stringent state abortion laws had not been enacted. The study estimates that infant deaths in Texas increased more than expected in the year follo...

'6/26/2024 11:19:15 AM'

Changing the game for sports emergency action plans

A national position statement on emergency action plan development and implementation in sports from an athletic training researcher sets in motion new priorities for responding to catastrophic injuries. The recommendations apply to sports through...

'6/24/2024 8:57:05 AM'

Rising health care prices are driving unemployment and job losses

Rising health care prices in the U.S. are leading employers outside the health care sector to reduce their payroll and decrease their number of employees, according to a new study. The study found that when health care prices increased, non-health...

'6/19/2024 10:37:11 AM'

Rigorous new study debunks misconceptions about anemia, education

In low- and middle-income countries, anemia reduction efforts are often touted as a way to improve educational outcomes and reduce poverty. A new study evaluates the relationship between anemia and school attendance in India, debunking earlier res...

'6/19/2024 10:36:31 AM'

Study uses powerful new 'digital cohort' method to understand vaping epidemic

Tapping into the vast amount of data now available on social media, a new study introduces a powerful new approach to understanding the nation's health, in this case the vaping epidemic.

'6/13/2024 6:19:26 PM'

Low-sodium alternatives can lead to major health gains in Indonesia

Excess sodium intake and a lack of potassium are major contributing factors towards high blood pressure in Indonesia, prompting calls for low-sodium potassium-rich salt substitutes (LSSS) to be readily available to improve health and curb health c...

'6/13/2024 6:19:23 PM'

AI can help doctors make better decisions and save lives

A recent study found that hospitalized patients were 43 percent more likely to have their care escalated and significantly less likely to die if their care team received AI-generated alerts signaling adverse changes in their health.

'6/13/2024 6:19:20 PM'

Does exercise in greenspace boost the individual health benefits of each?

Research suggests exercising in a park or other natural setting is more beneficial than exercising indoors.

'6/13/2024 10:08:29 AM'

More hospitals than ever require staff to get flu shots, U.S. study finds

As hospitals and health systems begin to prepare for flu vaccination campaigns, a new study shows that 96% of the hospitals that serve America's veterans, and 74% of hospitals serving the general public, now require staff to get vaccinated against...

'6/10/2024 1:10:18 PM'

Alarming trends call for action to define the future role of food in nation's health

The cost of nutritious food and the lack of access to it are of significant concern to U.S. consumers. New public opinion poll and expert analysis reflect crucial need to make healthy food accessible to avert projected crisis in cardiovascular dis...

'6/10/2024 1:10:01 PM'

Unregulated sales of a toxic and hallucinogenic mushroom endanger public health

Americans' interest in a potentially harmful 'magic mushroom' is soaring, according to a new study. The scientists suggest that the growing market for Amanita muscaria may be sparked in part by emerging clinical research supporting the safety and ...

'6/7/2024 8:15:31 AM'

Basic income can double global GDP while reducing carbon emissions

Giving a regular cash payment to the entire world population has the potential to increase global gross domestic product (GDP) by 130%, according to a new analysis. Researchers suggest that charging carbon emitters with an emission tax could help ...

'6/7/2024 8:14:29 AM'

Secure access to food and water decreasing for US children

The number of children in the U.S. facing simultaneous water and food insecurity more than doubled between 2005 and 2020. Additionally, Black children were 3.5 times more likely than white children to simultaneously experience food and water insec...

'6/7/2024 8:14:21 AM'

How $4 billion funded the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic response

New research sheds light on how federal funding helped scientists understand the COVID-19 virus, develop new treatments and deploy lifesaving vaccines in record time.

'6/6/2024 11:09:22 AM'

The Protestant Work Ethic could explain a liking for 'natural' healthcare

A strong belief in the Protestant Work Ethic might underpin the decision-making of many people choosing 'natural' approaches to healthcare, new research suggests. Academics say their paper identifies the role of psychological factors in health cho...

'6/4/2024 2:42:22 PM'

Managing mental health should be about more than mind

Clinicians often default to treating mental health conditions with a variety of medication. This approach, however, largely ignores the role of environment, lifestyle, and social factors. Mental Health professionals must work toward a more holisti...

'6/4/2024 9:22:13 AM'

Study reveals high rate of drowsy driving by teens

A new study found that drowsy driving by teenagers is a common threat to public safety on U.S. roadways.

'6/4/2024 9:21:05 AM'

Population shifts, risk factors may triple U.S. cardiovascular disease costs by 2050

Driven by an older, more diverse population, along with a significant increase in risk factors including high blood pressure and obesity, total costs related to cardiovascular disease (CVD) conditions are likely to triple by 2050, according to rec...

'6/4/2024 9:20:46 AM'

How stress knocks out your cognitive reserve

While mentally stimulating activities and life experiences can improve cognition in memory clinic patients, stress undermines this beneficial relationship.

'6/4/2024 9:20:11 AM'

Medical school isn't teaching doctors much about nutrition

Current medical training focuses on weight and body mass index (BMI), exacerbating anti-obesity bias and increasing the risk of eating disorders, the authors said. And it doesn't give future doctors adequate education on how to encourage healthier...

'6/3/2024 7:42:53 AM'

Telehealth can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with cancer care

Telemedicine visits for cancer care may not only be more convenient and easier to schedule than in-person appointments, they're also better for the planet. On a national US basis, decentralizing clinical portions of cancer care would produce 33% l...

'5/29/2024 10:42:53 AM'

Local disparities may prevent national vaccination efforts for rubella

An international team developed a new model, based on a case study of Nigeria, that may help public health officials accelerate the introduction of rubella vaccination in countries that have yet to do so.

'5/29/2024 10:42:25 AM'

Menstrual periods are arriving earlier for younger generations, especially among racial minority and lower-income individuals

The average age at menarche -- the first menstrual period -- has been decreasing among younger generations in the U.S., especially those belonging to racial minorities and lower socioeconomic statuses, according to a new study. It also found that ...

'5/28/2024 7:50:23 AM'

Pharmacists prove effective, less costly care option for minor illnesses

Greater use of pharmacists to treat minor illnesses could potentially save millions of dollars in health care costs, according to new research. The findings also indicate a way to improve healthcare access by expanding availability of pharmacists'...

'5/24/2024 7:53:28 AM'

Poor access to essential surgery is costing lives, study finds

Inadequate access to simple elective surgery in developing countries is storing up future health problems for patients and may create a spiral of future health complications putting more people's lives at risk, a new study reveals.